Katie Fforde – Closing libraries is “madness”

We are delighted to have been sent a message of support by bestselling Stroud-based novelist Katie Fforde. Katie has written seventeen popular novels, including Sunday Times bestsellers ‘A Perfect Proposal’ and ‘Love Letters’, and is the current Chair of the Romantic Novelist’s Association.

Katie says;

Libraries are about much more than books, they are focal points of communities.  Once they have gone, the community will dissipate.  And they are important because they are free. It is the poor who will suffer most if they disappear. Libraries are part of the route out of poverty. Closing them is madness.

Katie Fford

Thanks Katie! Messages from other famous names who have offered their support to the campaign can be viewed here.

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3 Responses to Katie Fforde – Closing libraries is “madness”

  1. Pingback: Library defender | The Arts Blogs

  2. Pingback: Library defender | ABC Art Gallery

  3. Pingback: Philip Pullman’s call to defend libraries resounds around web

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